See our internship manual
Flow of the internship application
- Sign up on IDM
- Please click here to apply for a new account. Once you confirm your email, you will be able to set a password. After approval from the university, your account will be activated.
- Log in to IDM
- After logging in, create a profile with your research information and career plans. C-ENGINE member companies can view your registered information.
※Please consent to the terms and conditions regarding your personal information.
※You can set disclosure/non-disclosure options for each individual item.
- Collect necessary information
- ✔Check out the available themes:On IDM, our member companies post internship themes. There are openings in a variety of fields, so browse through the list to see what is available first!
※You can also create a list of themes you are interested in and ask anonymous questions about the themes!
✔Participate in social events:If there are any scheduled events such as “student-company social events,” make sure to actively participate in them to gain a deeper understanding of the company. (Click here for event information)
✔Talk with coordinators:It’s recommended to consult with the coordinators assigned to each university for full support. (Click here for a list of contact points at each university.)
- Obtain your supervisor’s approval then apply for an internship through IDM
- Contact your university coordinator and submit an Entry Sheet (CV, research outline, career plan, etc.). We recommend you to apply at least two months prior to your desired starting date for us to proceed necessary arrangement.
- Interviews
- Submit your entry sheet to the company through the university coordinator. The company will review the documents for further interview with the company representative and the university coordinator(or your supervisor). You can also negotiate the details, timing, and duration of the program in this interview.
- Acceptance and contracts
- After the interview, if the company accept you to proceed the internship, both parties (Company and University) will confirm the details of the internship then sign a contract. Once the student accept the contents of the contract, please ensure to join the insurance, meet any necessary study requirements, make arrangements to vacate the laboratory for the required period of time, and confirm which documents need to be submitted. It is important to clarify the details of the contract and working conditions in advance.
- Internship
- Enjoy your internship as a member of the company! Maintain confidentiality while provide regular updates to the university. Submit a completion report and other required documents at the end of the program to receive a “Certificate of Completion”.
How to sign up
Please click the “New Account Registration” button at the bottom of the page. Your request will be sent to your home university coordinators automatically. Once your student status has been confirmed and approved, you will be able to log in your IDM account. Your academic advisor’s permission is required when you apply for an internship.
Click here to know the contact details of your coordinator.

List of member universities
Tohoku University, University of Tsukuba, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Shiga University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Osaka Metropolitan University, Kobe University, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara Women’s University, Wakayama University, Okayama University, Kyushu University, Kagoshima University
Have you any troubles with registration?
Contact the C-ENGINE administration office at “contact★ (change ★ to @)”, we will sort out your issues.